Emily is an interdisciplinary textile artist. Her work explores human relations through woven structures.
2024- , MFA University of Oregon with a focus in Fibers
2016-2021, BFA Mass College of Art and Design in Fibers and Art History
2023, Work Study Scholarship, Penland School of Craft
2023, Kay Sekimachi Scholarship, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts
2023, Best in Show, Black and White group show, Sacramento Fine Arts Center
2023, Selected finalist for Yicca 2023 International Art Prize
2022, Tradition and Innovation in Basketry 11 National Conference Scholarship
2021, All School Show Award
2021, Margaret L. Gongaware Scholarship
2021, Departmental Honors
2020, Nomination for Windgate Lamar Fellowship
2020, Barbara L. Kuhlman Scholarship
2015, Art All State recipient
2024, A Stitch in Time, Arts Benicia, CA
2024, Syn·the·sis: digital craft, Floyd Center for the Arts, VA
2024, New Impressions, Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum, WI
2024, Whirlwind of Fibers, HGA Convergence, Wichita KS
2023, Open Studios, GlogauAIR, Berlin
2023, An Abstract View, Arts Center Sarasota, FL
2023, National Juried Art Show at Wilson Arts, NC
2023, Yicca International Exhibition
2023, Black and White, Sacramento Fine Arts Center, Carmichael, CA
2023, Celebrating Women, Fine Line Creative Arts Center, St. Charles, IL
2022, 6th Massart Biennial Alumni Show, Thompson Gallery, Boston
2022, Rage Becomes Her, The Bakery Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia, US
2022, Making Empathy: Collaborative Journaling During the Covid Pandemic, North Crack Gallery, Massart, Boston
2022, Opid Hus, Icelandic Textile Center, Blönduós Iceland
2021, All School Show, MassArt, Boston
2021, Student Show, Susan Eley Gallery, NY
2020, FA3D Student Show, DMC MassArt, Boston
2019, The Paper Show, North Crack Gallery, MassArt, Boston
2023, Surface Depth, Plexus Projects, Online
2024, Penland Winter Residency
2023, GlogauAIR, Berlin, Germany
2022, Art House Holland, The Hague, NL
2022, Os Textile Residency, Blönduós Iceland
2024, Lab Instructor, University of Oregon, OR
2024, Operations Assistant Winter Residency, Penland School of Craft, NC
2023, Fiber Technical Assistant, Haystack School of Craft, ME
2023, Assistant Studio Manager Internship, The Textile Arts Center, New York
2020, Teaching Assistant, Fiber Ecologies with Judith Leemann, MassArt
2019, Department of Education Internship, The Museum of Fine Art, Boston
Publications and Press
2024, “Discerning Dimensionality”, Di Placido, Amy, Fiber Art Now, Emerging Artist Feature
2023, Artist Interview, Louisa des Places, Glogau Artist in Residency Feature
2022-current, American Craft Council
2022-current, Handweavers Guild of America
2022-current, Textile Society of America